John and I got up this morning at around 8 to go and sign the lease to our new apartment. It didn't take very long...15-30 minutes tops. So we came back home, I was really tired and went to sleep again, slept until noon (oh noes!). Anyway, when I woke up, I went out into the living room and saw John sitting on the couch working on the model ship that he purchased yesterday at Hobby Lobby (he had also gone out during my nap and bought all the paintbrushes and paints that he needed!).
This is the ship to be technical about it.
And here are some pictures of John working on it!

So I sat down with him and decided, well, might as well do some stuff myself!
I started out modgepodging (did I spell that right?) a small table with Jones Soda labels.
Story time!!!
I started collecting Jones Soda labels back when I was a senior in high school, or maybe the summer between graduating high school and my freshman year of college. In any case, it's been about 4 years. I have a TON. I used to only drink Jones (now I don't really like it a whole lot. Haha, go figure). The past few years I've decorated my walls with them, but I started to think that maybe I wanted to do something different with them (plus it was a major pain to continuously put up and take down the labels). So I decided that I would decoupage something with some of them. How about a table?!?

Voila! I'm still considering doing something with the legs...I'm not sure if I have enough labels to do all three legs, if anyone has any ideas, I'm willing to accept them!
I'm not completely done modgepodging the top either, I'm putting a lot of coats of it on top to try and smooth it out a bit. Overall though, I love it. It will make a pretty awesome table for...something!
And in addition to that, I painted some more watercolors!

I painted this a couple of weeks ago actually

Daisies? Something? I'm not quite sure what they are

Bright flowers

Something tree-like?

And this, is basically nothing. I realized while painting it at one point that it looked like Northern Lights, so I tried to go in that direction...but failed. Oh well. There are still some pretty colors in it.
And finally, an art-like photo that I took earlier today in between layers of modgepodge:

It's my cat's food bowl. =) Haha. We recently started feeding her wet food in order to try and fatten her up. She's old (17 to be exact), her teeth aren't so great, so it's hard for her to eat a lot of her dry food (though she still does). Anyway, she LOVES the chicken kind, and when you feed her the chicken kind, she goes NUTS. It's like catnip or something for her. Anyway, if you can picture Cookie Monster eating cookies, this is how my cat eats her food. Today she got it ALL over the place and I couldn't help but take a picture of it. Anyway, lo and behold, the picture is actually kind of artistic! Haha, I couldn't resist posting it. =)

And here's a picture of the culprit of the previous picture...probably dreaming about her dinner. =)
Anyway, I'll probably end up dyeing some more roving tonight, so there will probably be more pictures of wool in the near future!!!!
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