Some mittens for my boss. =) He seemed to love them! They're one of my favorite pair of mittens that I've ever knit (and I've knit a LOT of mittens!). I wanted to keep them for myself, people that I showed them to wanted them. They're really lovely though. Knit up in one of the Cascade 220 Heathers on US Size 5 dpns.

A very pretty scarf for my boyfriend. =) He will love it, I'm certain. Hopefully he doesn't realize that it's for him though as he saw me knitting it up.

A couple felted bowls for members of my family. I actually knit one for each of my aunts and uncles out of spare yarn that I had spun and had no use for. These two are just my favorite. The white and blue one is going to my aunt and uncle, and the pinkish and black one is for my grandparents.

Finally, a winecozy that I knit up for my grandparents. I also just finished knitting one up today for my boyfriend's mother, which I have yet to finish up and embellish a bit. =)
I'm so glad school is over for the semester! Now I have time to knit and spin and do all sorts of fun stuff! =D