So it's been so long since I updated that they've re-vamped Blogger on me! Oh noes! I'm so confused!!!
No, not really.
Anyway, I figured that it's best that I post some update pictures of what I've been doing over the past few months. No sweater as I had hoped to start after Christmas. Blah. I'm so lazy and cheap to actually buy the yarn for a sweater. Of course, in the process of making other things I've probably bought enough yarn to make a sweater out of it all.
My mind is in so many places at once!
So anyway, piccies! From earliest finished to...latest.

These are my Mardi Gras knee socks! Well, Mardi Gras knee sock. Unfortunately, it will not be finished for Mardi Gras...tomorrow. :( Boo. I thought I had another week.

These are my cabled mittens that I made to match my Clapotis! :) The mitten on the right is FAR superior to the one on the left. I kinda effed up the left one.
The cuff is basically the cuff of Knitty's Fetching, the rest of the pattern comes from my very own noggin'. The yarn is Cascade 220.

These lovelies are my Fetching (pattern from Knitty) made in Patons SWS. They're kinda itchy, but the colorway is to die for. I adore them, despite their itchyness.

These last two pictures here are of a baby sweater that I made for one of my French professors who is month I believe. :) So I guess I lied about the sweater, I made a baby one!
This sweater is the pattern for the Baby Bolero from One Skein by Leigh Radford. I really love it, it was made with Cascade's cotton/wool blend. I can never remember the name of it. Really lovely though. Both of these pictures are from before I wove the ends in. I wish that I had taken pictures afterwards because it really ended up looking adorable.
Oh, and my professor (and her husband) loved the sweater, which made me a very happy knitter.