I will regale you all with my tale of the cursed socks:

My mother gave me the KnitPicks sock yarn for the socks. I really love pink, and since I don't look so great in pink, I can get away with making lots and lots and lots of pink socks. :) I decided that I might make toeless socks (like Knitty's pedicure socks), it was summer, I love handknit socks, I don't usually wear socks in summer because I tend to get by wearing only sandals, so that was the plan. I started the socks -- using U.S. size 1 needles and the sock yarn. I cast on too few stitches, when I finally got to the heel, they were too small to even go over my entire foot. So I ripped it out and started again. Second try -- still too small. Ripped them out, started again. Third try -- too loose, way too loose. Ripped them out, started again. So I knit them with the amount of stitches I figured would work. At this point in time, I was living at my parent's house, waiting to find an apartment downtown that I would like. Well, when the woman that cleans my parent's house came, the sock and needles disappeared -- completely. I looked everywhere, under furniture, in all the closets, in all the cupboards. They were gone.
I gave up looking, but told my mom that if she ever moved the basement around, or did a thorough cleaning to keep an eye out for them. She never found them ... UNTIL February! She found them, I rejoiced. I got them back! So I received the cursed sock back and to my great dismay...the sock doesn't fit! NOOO!!! So I rip it out again, start over. I cast on doing a long-tail cast on and start knitting with the tail of the cast on! WHAT MORE CAN I DO WRONG???? So I start over one last time. And that was the last time that I restarted them.
Now they're done! And they're beautiful! And they're soft! And they don't really quite match, but who cares?!??? :) I'm happy with them.
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