Now, my yarn stash isn't nearly as bad as some peoples that I've seen. Except that whereas a lot of people have so much yarn they don't know what to do with it, I have so much useless yarn that I don't know what to do with it! =O
Now, I'm one of these people who, when they make something, they want to make something useful. Not little toys that will just sit in the closet collecting dust, or gifts that will be underappreciated, etc.
What do I do with my yarn? Take pictures of it and post it to my blog. What else?

Here it is. All laid out in all of it's porny goodness.
Now, from left to right in more detail (oh I'm so dirty...)

These are the cottons. There are 5 (yes 5) skeins of Sugar 'n Cream. Some KnitPicks sport weight cotton (really lovely stuff!), and some Esprit sock yarn that I used for my Lolita Toes.

The two skeins in the middle here are my "fancy" yarns. One skein of beautiful and soft Noro (wool, angora and whatever else is in it...) that I bought from a LYS over half off for some reason. The second skein is leftovers of a lace weight alpaca. I need to find the pathetic excuse of a scarf that I made with it and frog it and make it into something much more lovely.

Here, next to the Noro and alpaca I have my novelty yarns. A really cool black w/ rainbow bits, some terry-cloth-esque yarn, some eyelash yarn. Nothing really spectacular. Something that I'll use for embellishments if anything.

My favorites! Some of my handspun yarn. =) Nothing really over the top spectacular, mind you. I think everything pictured there is under 100 yards and I have no idea what to do with any of it. =( Boooo

And finally, my wools and wool-like yarns that I'm not really sure if they're wool or not. There's a bit of KnitPicks in there, some dye-your-own stuff and some stuff from Hobby Lobby and Michael's. =)
And that's not think though that this is all that I have! Because it's not! I have a couple more skeins of my own handspun stuff, and a couple other purchased skeins that I know what I'm going to use them for. Oh yarny yarn yarn.
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